New 3D Printer, Oh the Possibilites!

The Wawa Public Library is thrilled to make a new 3D printer available for everyone! If you want to give it a try, drop in to the library to see it in action or give us a call to discuss how to get started on your own project.

How does it work?

A 3D printer creates a three-dimensional solid object  from a digital file by adding successive layers of material onto a flat print bed. Each layer can be seen

as a thinly sliced cross section of the object. The final ‘print’ is an object created from a file output by specific software. The children have been very excited about the new 3D Printer. Pictured below is a photo of a young man with his new creation, Micky Mouse. He left very happy and has already chosen a spot for it in his room.

We have made a few tablet Holders that have been sold as well as other items. Next on the block ? I wonder.


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Beautiful Artwork Donated to the Wawa Public Library

by Barb Fisher, photos supplied
It is with great pleasure that the Wawa Public Library has recently accepted the donations of artworks, paintings from the Shamess family and the late Mrs. Elsie Skinner.
Mrs. Skinner was a weekly user of the library for many years and introduced the Shamess siblings, her grandchildren, to the joys of books and the library system. Mrs. Skinner was also well known in the United Church circles as the organist and choirmaster for many years, and the Shamess’ s were longtime residents living here in Wawa for over 50 years. Charles Shamess graciously shipped the art work to the library where they would have a permanent home.
The Michael Cleary is an original watercolour and depicts ‘Old Woman Bay’, and the two paintings capture ‘Birches on Long Beach’ and ‘Turtle and Seagull Islands/Michipicoten Bay and Lighthouse Point’. According to the Shamess family, these paintings were done by Grace Goodall who stayed at the Shamess cottage on Long Beach Road on Lake Superior, not long after the Highway was completed from Sault Ste. Marie to Wawa. The artist left the paintings, one of them, ‘Birches on Long Beach’ about three quarters finished, for the Shamess family as a token of her appreciation. Some time later, Clee Campbell offered to finish the art piece. Also donated by the Shamess family is a small replica of the original ‘Wawa Goose Statue’, a Wawa Ontario Pennant, various Lake Superior history books and old cookbooks.
Our Library staff extends a hearty thankyou to Mrs. Elsie Skinner and the Shamess family for the wonderful donations in remembering our history. These items are now on display in our Library, and everyone is welcome to come in and view a bit of Wawa’s splendor on canvass.

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