Other Services

Interlibrary Loans

If you cannot find what you are looking for in our collection, we can borrow materials from other libraries. Please visit the circulation desk at the library to fill out an

INTERLIBRARY LOAN REQUEST FORM, (download here) or download the pdf, print, fill out, scan or snap a pic and email to circulation@wawa.cc.

You can use patron self serve Interlibrary Loan to place your request yourself from anywhere at anytime for your convenience. Visit the circulation desk to set up an account. 

If you have any other questions regarding Interlibrary Loans, please do not hesitate to contact us! 





black & white (letter size)
black & white (legal size)
colour (letter size)
colour (legal size)


sending a fax
receiving a fax
$2.90 for the first page and $1.20/page for remaining pages


black & white (letter size)
black & white (legal size)
colour (letter size)
colour (legal size)


photo size (5.4 x 7.4″ or 4.4 x 6.3 “)$1.70 /sheet
letter size (8.5×11)$2.40/sheet
legal size (8.5×14)$2.90/sheet

Photo Paper

Photo Paper 4 x 6Black & White $2.00
Colour $2.30
Photo Paper 5 x 7Black & White $2.50
Colour $2.80
Photo Paper 8 x 10Black & White $3.00
Black & White $3.50

Computer Access

with Wawa Public Library membershipfree access
without Wawa Public Library membership$1.00/per half hour
The Wawa Public Library does have free wifi available.

VHS to DVD Conversion

$15.00 for 1 DVD
$7.00 for each additional copy
Please note there is a two hour limit per DVD. All VHS must be cued, timed and titled. We can only transfer personal home VHS to DVD. A “Terms and Conditions” form must be signed.